Propaganda Goes Stateside for International Discovery


imageWe’re no stranger to international work – the beauty of Discovery is that it can be applied to different industries, across borders and to any size of business. But our latest international brief has seen the planning team visit the famous cities of the world, including Berlin, New York and London.

We can’t say too much about this latest work (we’re a tease – we know), but suffice to say we’ve been applying our award winning process to a multinational client with exciting plans in a high-stakes industry.

As part of this, vital field work was needed and our Planning Director, Julian Horberry, and Senior Planner, Cynthia Bell, were up to the task. Discovery is an immersive process, which requires us to get to the heart of an industry, sector or trend.

As such, we spent a number of days undertaking research and conducting interviews with consumers, distributors and partners in each city, which will feed into our debrief later in the year. We’ll be sure to update you on progress as plans develop.


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