We’ve just finalised plans for taking leading energy drinks brand Boost on an exciting nationwide sampling tour.
As part of the strategy to raise awareness of Boost’s great taste and price, we’ve developed a campaign to target students and office workers. Both of which are key target markets for Boost when they need a pick me up to get them through their working day or studies.

12 cities – including Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff, Belfast and Glasgow – have been selected based on both the concentration of Boost’s distribution and key student areas. The aim of the campaign is get more people to try Boost’s great tasting range of energy and sports drinks, and let them know about the great price compared to well- known competitor products in the market. This is what the ‘It’s a No Brainer’ brand proposition is all about.

The campaign is designed to ‘give your day a boost’ and includes a team of brand ambassadors complete with mobile coolers and a Boost van for taking products out to the public – all delivered with a few extra touches in true Boost style to create a buzz around city centres and student campuses.
It also features the chance to win a ‘Boost House Party’ – which includes all the gadgets and supplies a student could need to create the party of all parties – and will help build the ever-growing database of Boost advocates too. Scratch cards also offer the chance to pick up on-the-spot prizes including £50 notes, Nando’s vouchers, memory sticks to maintain a buzz around the sampling activity.

Last but not least, the Boost rickshaws are back by popular demand. These quirky branded vehicles went down a storm last year with students needing a lift around campus, and also created a memorable experience associated with the brand.

Free Boost, loads of prizes and rickshaw rides – this is set to be Boost’s biggest on the street campaign to date. Does your day need a Boost?