Boy George Wows the Christmas Crowds At Illamasqua


Music legend, Boy George, hit the decks last night and played a fantastic set at the Illamasqua counter in London’s Oxford Street, Selfridges.

Boy George was there to show his support for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation. In 2007, Sophie was viciously attacked for no other reason than for looking different, tragically, Sophie died from her injuries. Sylvia, Sophie’s mum and youth worker, set up the Foundation in Sophie’s memory to Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere.

Crowds of people attended last nights’ event to see the music legend in action and Jonathan Mycock, Retailer Operations Manager, Illamasqua, said: “Boy George’s appearance was a great success and brought the whole of Selfridges Beauty Hall to a stand still!”

Proceeds from the night are being donated to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation. If you would like out more about the charity and Sophie’s story, visit the official website, or watch the award winning film, Dark Angel.

Posted by Natalie Hargreaves.

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