What a lovely day at Seabrook Crisps today. The sun was shining, the crisps were flowing, oh, and HRH Princess Anne dropped by.
But really, flanked by tons of (quite frankly, very hunky) bodyguards and police, having sent in the sniffer dogs earlier, and an imposed ‘police lockdown’ after 11:30am, it was all actually very dramatic and exciting.
The Princess was there to take a royal walk around the factory with Chairman, Ken – to the delight of all the factory workers – and officially open Seabrook Crisps’ converted 19th century weaving shed, which is now its uber sleek HQ, as well as help it celebrate Seabrook’s 65th anniversary.
What better excuse for a party. Yorkshire’s movers, shakers and media were all there from 11:30am drinkers champers in the sun…. and they’re still there now…. drinking champers in the sun, toasting the lovely Princess Anne, who left in a spectacular convoy of sleek, shiny black vehicles. Splendid.

See some of our work for Seabrook here.
Posted by Claire Anderson.