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Longstanding Propaganda client, Clipper Logistics plc, has showcased its excellence in the field of reverse logistics (returns) through the production of a whitepaper, distributed with key sector target title, Retail Week.

As identified through customer research conducted by Propaganda for Clipper, returns management is one of the key areas of focus for modern retailers. Multichannel and e-commerce have changed the retail landscape and made consumer returns one of the next battlegrounds for competitive advantage. Based on the insights gathered during the research, Propaganda developed a new ‘returns proposition’, Boomerang™, Clipper’s unique reverse logistics solution. The process takes cost, complexity and risk out of a retailer’s supply chain, whilst improving customer sentiment.

Clipper and Propaganda worked closely with the Retail Week editorial team to develop an eight-page paper, bound inside their Multichannel supplement and distributed to their print readership of 37,600. Additionally, content was secured in the multichannel supplement itself, further boosting the profile of the business. The white paper was also made available to download via the Retail Week website, and via Retail Week’s regular email bulletins.

The structure of the whitepaper was developed through a coordinated process between all parties and themes and topics were agreed upon, interviews set up and case studies instigated. Retail Week’s expert editorial team then set about compiling the report, whilst Propaganda developed detailed infographics to explain the Boomerang™ concept and its benefits.

The aim of the exercise was to communicate Clipper’s expertise in the field, to senior decision makers in the retail supply chain. Through this thought leadership campaign, Clipper were shown to be leading industry experts in reverse logistics. The whitepaper is available to download here.