Interesting Thursdays
This is my first attempt at being interesting on a Thursday, so please go easy on me. As it finally feels like summer has arrived (for a day or two anyway), I thought it would be appropriate to find some really colourful images (with the occasional insect). That should be interesting, right?
A photographer that has caught my eye a few times recently is Massimo Gammacurta. Here’s a series of photographs called Nail Biter – a surreal combination of insects and make-up:
Over the past few years, he has done lots of projects involving creating objects out of sugar (including a recent Creative Review cover). He’s made everything from logos to sex positions, but it’s this lettering that I really like:
Next, some awesome work by French duo Zim&Zou. Edible Monsters is a series of window displays as part of EXPO Milan 2015. It consists of several surprisingly (or ironically) bright and colourful paper scenes on the theme of ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’, including a mutant sunflower eating a bee (referring to insecticide), chickens in a battery farm and rabbit being genetically modified in a lab.
Photography by Alberto Ferrero
Finally (and accidentally continuing the theme of ‘energy for life’), here’s a video of John McGuinness’s winning lap of the electric ‘Zero’ race from this year’s Isle of Man TT Races. Although I’m from the Isle of Man I’ve never really paid much attention to the TT Races. However, since the electric race was introduced in 2010, it’s been amazing to watch the technology improve so rapidly to the point where the highest average speed this year was 119.2mph (the record average speed for the regular superbikes – also by John McGuinness – is 132.7mph).
Right, I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your Thursday.