Monday saw New York based ideas agency, PSFK, release their Future of Health report in partnership with Global children’s charity, UNICEF. PSFK has examined the top ten challenges faced by UNICEF teams out in the field and the last few days have seen creative agencies the world over respond to the report’s findings with some bloomin’ good ideas.
One of the 10 UNICEF challenges is ‘Limited methods for scheduling check up reminders for patients’. My favourite so far is the information blanket for newborn babies. Having recently welcomed a youngster into my home, granted she has four legs not two, I have a level of empathy with new parents who must feel completely overwhelmed at the prospect of protecting such a delicate new life, who totally relies on you. Gulp.
Well, worry no more! Some clever chaps came up with a blanket idea for UNICEF that keeps newborns warm or cool depending on the weather to provide immediate and lasting protection for the infant as it develops.
PSFK highlight “the blanket is (also) imprinted with a very basic bible of information for mothers to reference as their little one continues to grow. The blanket features a code for scanning, so health workers can reference a database to quickly register the child, and keep tabs on it as it develops.
The blanket features:
Breathable & moisture wicking fabric.
Anti-microbial fabric reduces odour-causing bacteria.
UV protection—minimum UPF rating of 25.
The ultimate lightweight, next-to-skin base layer available. Suitable for both hot and cold conditions, the highly breathable and moisture wicking fabric will help to keep you warm or cool depending on the environment.
Silver ions impregnated into the fabric fight odour and heat generating bacteria growth—keeping the baby cool, light, and dry while significantly reducing odours resulting from long term use.”
This is a great example of insight in action. The thinking behind this blanket displays empathy for the concerns all new mums and dads share when entering a world of ‘firsts’ and uncertainty we know as ‘parenting’. With this in mind, wrapping your beloved bundle easy to digest information means it’s not just the wee one that can sleep a bit more soundly.
Posted by Lucy Sheridan.